Monday, 27 July 2009

10 Things or Less

I'm not sure that I came to this with an objective view. I've seen the movie and own it, though I haven't yet been able to watch it for a couple of years. People might have thought that this was because of the death of Heath Ledger but it's partly because I bought it on VHS and I no longer have a working player.

That being said, I was trying to give the TV show a fair crack of the whip and judge it as a standalone teen show. Well first of I don't see a point to this being turned from a film into a TV show. I'm sure there a way they could have done a teen show without having it tied to the movie. Though the name would give it publicity, not being tied to the film would give it a chance without having it hang over their head. Comparisons will be made, regardless of it being intentional or not.

I wasn't overly impressed by the performances and frankly there could come up with something else to show on ABC Family. I have the next two episodes sitting, waiting for me to watch and I'll eventually get round to it but I can't see myself watching the series in its entirety. I don't think it offers anything new to the table and there are other teen shows going, that I don't necessarily watch. I guess being shown in the summer will prevent it from being drowned if it was shown any other time of the year

Sunday, 26 July 2009

The End of The Light

I just wanted to make a quick mention to the news that Guiding Light hasn't managed to find a new home and will definitely come to its broadcasting end on September 18th. It's hard to think of anything lasting over 70 years but this show has. I haven't grown up with it like other viewers have but over the past few months, this show has come to be a huge part of my television viewing.

I will never learn the full history of the show and some of that history is making appearances as the show counts down to its last broadcast.

People have complained about the "production model" which seems alien to me as I'm used to this way being prominent in British soaps. It gives it the realism that you can't get in a studio. Sometimes the outside can be a distraction, like flying aeroplanes but sometimes filming outside can help produce and enhance beautiful scenes.

I didn't get the chance to see the transition that the show had to make but having seen a couple months worth of episodes from 2005, I can say that I prefer how its being shot now.

Over the past couple of weeks, there have been a couple of things have made me wonder about where they were going with things like Who killed Edmund or whoever that body is and how does one kill with a baby stroller.

Saying that some story lines have shown the talents of people that I was never aware of until now - Kim Zimmer, Crystal Chappell, Jeff Branson, Robert Newman, Gina Tognoni, Jessica Leccia and Grant Aleksander. The only person that I knew of before watching Guiding Light was Daniel Cosgrove from his time on Beverly Hills 90210 and the film Van Wilder. What I do know is that I shall remember them and they might even make me watch other soaps, if they, like Crystal Chappell find another soap to work on.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Unusual and Unpopular

The Unusuals was one of the few new shows cancelled that I actually enjoyed and I should say still enjoy. Though it hasn't been renewed, I'm glad that the remaining episodes were shown.

I thought that there was a niche that this show could capitalize on, but I, and the people behind it were wrong. Maybe this kind of show would have been better served on a cable network, who knows.

The dynamic between Adam Goldberg and Harold Perrineau as Detectives Delahoy and Banks make me laugh especially as Delahoy has been told he has a brain tumour but won't get treatment and Banks constantly wears a bulletproof vest as he has turned 42 and his father, uncle and grandfather died at that age. Their contrasting dilemmas are part of what makes their dysfunctional dynamic work.

I'm not big at watching cop shows, as they usually use some of the same principles used in previous shows but part of what drew me to this show is the fact that its not a straight out, hard hitting drama and the light relief kept me interested. It's a shame that this wasn't given another chance.